Thursday, October 22, 2009

Who’s dragging my stuff??

Today was the second time this happened to me in 2010. When I select an object in the canvas, the Options Bar (docked under the ribbon) seems to double itself between 2 to 4 times, then the ribbon refreshes and the duplicates disappear. A side-effect of this though is that whatever you selected in the canvas gets dragged vertically automatically. Very annoying and causes tons of issues as it happens with every object selection. This issue seems to happen on a laptop with a docking station and second monitor setup (mine was set as main monitor).

Yesterday I plugged the laptop into a projector and this seems to have made Revit freak out. So today I couldn’t work on my usual setup. Moving the Options Bar to the bottom puts an end to the madness, however I don’t like it docked there.

Thinking it’s a Ribbon issue, I decided to reset my QAT using the vbscript that Autodesk released earlier. That didn’t do it either, so I restored it back from the backup.

I finally got it to behave again by undocking (still logged into Windows) while Revit was open, then I closed Revit, re-docked (still logged in) and re-opened Revit. I had previously done a series of shut-downs, restarting without docking or attaching a second display etc. but none worked. Not sure what is going on but the above got the job done. I have not filed this with support yet.

EDIT: Click HERE to learn about suggestions from Autodesk Support. You might also want to take a look at “What Revit Wants” in this POST by Luke!



Erik said...

We had that issue in 2009 as well when the main monitor was set to be to the "Right" and the secondary was on the left. Switching them solved the problem.

We updated the graphics card driver and the problem went away...

Not sure if it's the same issue, but might be worth a look.

Dave Baldacchino said...

Hi Erik, I tried but nothing worked. My setup has the main monitor on the left and the laptop on the right. I'm on the latest video drivers so I couldn't upgrade to anything. It has something to do with the docking station & plugging the laptop to another display and running Revit. Something causes some type of corruption and it takes what I described to re-set itself. At least in my particular setup.

Robert said...

These are known issues that have been reported to ADSK, we've seen similar issues here too. Autodesk's problem in troubleshooting is the variety of laptop models and variety of on-board graphics controllers integrated with the laptops and custom drivers/software for said laptop models from different companies.

Elisa said...

Same problem here, in our case (back in May), it wasn't laptops it was our large monitors, according to Autodesk.
Autodesk wasn't able to help, they just knew of the problem. Keeping the Options Bar at the bottom of the screen fixed the problem, and after a few trys of moving it back to normal, the problem went away. I thought this may have been fixed already, since we noticed it soon after the initial release, and since then have more people using this version and nobody else has had the problem. Strange.

Dave Baldacchino said...

I goofed...I actually only have SP1 installed - 20090612_2115(x64). Must have gone on vacation around the time SP2 came out and got swamped with project work =) I just updated to SP2 and we'll see if the issue resurfaces.

As to which setup this occurs on, it seems that it is not limited to laptops but also to desktops with dual screen configurations.

Another solution users have been emailing me with is to uncheck "Press & Drag". Not acceptable in my book.

Nebojsa Jeremic said...

I have same issue, working on to two monitors, move revit left-right, driver etc. but this issue came up when window od revit is not maximize on monitor, when it is maximize, revit work fine.
May help ...

Dave Baldacchino said...

Interesting, but in my case I work maximized all the time so that wasn't the case.

Dave Baldacchino said...

Good day Luke! Thanks for connecting the dots. I skimmed through your post in the past but didn't remember it when it mattered or I would have tried your solution. Maybe next time :)

jazz said...

i had the same problem with the german version of revit just after installing it (on a laptop with a second monitor), but it stopped once i locked the toolbars in place...

Tony Isenhoff said...

I know this old, but we just had the issue in Revit 2011 (Web Update 2).

Reset of the UIState.dat worked for us...

Basam Yousif said...

Hello All,
I just had two users report same issue after their desks were moved from one studio to another. We have dual monitor standard setup for all users. Based on a tip in David's blog, I figured maybe Revit didn't like running on the "2nd" monitor and prefers the primary. In XP open the display properties and click "Identify".
For both users, Revit was on the 2nd monitor and by moving it to "1st" monitor the issue seems to be fixed.
I think Revit runs fine on 2nd monitor until you move prop's window and/or the proj browser to the other monitor, which triggers this issue. Moving them back does not fix it.

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