Prior to Revit Architecture (RAC) 2008, when one added a Color Scheme to a floor plan view (back then it was termed as a Color Fill), if Floor visibility was turned on, Revit would issue a warning and turn it off for you so the colors would display correctly. This meant that in some cases, the “correctness” of the plan representation would be compromised.
To illustrate, imagine you have a colored floor plan on Level 2. There is an opening in the floor slab and a stair goes down through it. The last few steps leading to the first floor are covered by the slab above (the opening doesn’t go the entire length of the stairs).
Since Revit wanted you to turn floor visibility off, you would see the entire stair run, which is incorrect. The last few steps (shown dashed in the image above) are supposed to be hidden, so the workaround for this situation was to hide the last few steps by placing a filled region with the same solid color fill as your floor plan space.
In RAC 2008, we now have “Color Schemes” and Revit no longer turns off Floor visibility. But hold on…don’t get too excited! Unfortunately, there is a bug, which is known by Autodesk (and hopefully we’ll see a fix sometime in a future release).
Even though the floor is visible, it is in some state of “transparency”. The last few steps show through the slab. Notice also how the continuous wall on the level below shows through too, indicating the floor has become transparent. Notice how the grey wall color shows through the surface pattern of the slab, which is another indicator that the slab has become transparent. Surface patterns seem to display just fine but if a color was assigned to the floor material and the view was set to Shaded, this color is not displayed (compare to the first image).
The above image shows a color scheme set with the option “foreground”. If the option “background” was enabled, the floor area at the steps would not be colored correctly, as shown in the image below. So how do we fix it you might ask? The linework tool? No, actually that doesn’t work on this portion of ths stairs. Somehow it seems that Revit knows this shouldn’t be displayed and the linework tool does not “see” these lines.
So the same workaround as in previous versions of Revit still applies….head for the filled region! (the floor surface pattern was left visible so you can see where the filled region is located).
Does Anybody know whether that has been fixed in Revit 2010?
Seems to be repaired (not sure if it was fixed in 2009 or 2010). I'll add a new label to this post.
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