Finally! We can now work in Revit in perspective view. I’m so sick and tired of hearing about how the other software can do this and have to sit there and endure the justifiable criticism. But no more!
As you can see below, just click on the View tab and select the new Perspective button. It’s that easy. Arguably my #1 feature of this new release. Way to go Factory!

O...Ha Ha! Actually got me going on that one...though, how did I miss that previously......Vasari is nice however.
I cannot believe that Jay Zallan also fell for this on Twitter within minutes of posting. Nothing says we only get one April Fool's post, right? :)
That is the meanest April fool's joke ever!
Seriously, why don't they offer that non groundbreaking feature?!
That is the meanest Aprils Fools joke ever.
Seriously, why don't they offer that non groundbreaking feature?!
I can't find...oh, never mind.
Today is July 2nd 2013 and Revit don´t have this feature yet.
Thats why I prefer ArchiCAD.
John, I'm as annoyed by this as I was on April 1st 2012 and before!
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